American Civil Liberties Union of SouthernCalifornia Lesbian & Gay Rights Chapter records 1970-2004 (bulk1976-1995)


American Civil Liberties Union of SouthernCalifornia Lesbian & Gay Rights Chapter records 1970-2004 (bulk1976-1995)

This collection comprises minutes, meetingagendas, financial records, correspondence, memoranda, reports, press releases,newsletters, publications, legal papers, subject files, notes, photographs,ephemera, and a videocassette relating to the on-going activities of theLesbian & Gay Rights Chapter of the American Civil Liberties UnionFoundation of Southern California (ACLU-LGRC), in Los Angeles. The LGRC is thefirst ACLU chapter in the United States to address the civil rights of gay men,lesbians, bisexual and transgender people. The earliest materials in thecollection date before the founding of the LGRC and document the gay- andlesbian-related activities of the ACLU--including the Rights of HomosexualsCommittee (1973 - 1976) and the Gay Rights Panel (1975 - 1976). The collectionspans the founding of the LGRC in August 1976 up to 2004. However, the bulk ofthe materials come from the years 1976 to 1995.

25 archive boxes + 1 oversizearchive box.; 13 linear feet.



SNAC Resource ID: 6655516

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